Watch our latest webinar on the topic of how drug developers can maximize capacity, capabilities and expertise for pandemic response. This presentation is Part 2 in a Coronavirus Virtual Series brought to you by FiercePharma with featured speaker Sean Kirk, EVP Manufacturing & Technical Operations.
The novel coronavirus COVID-19 has quickly taken over many aspects of the daily lives of people around the globe, stressing the healthcare system and putting scientists at the forefront of this pandemic. Known for expertise in preparedness for public health threats, Emergent BioSolutions has deployed its resources – capacities, capabilities and expertise – to attack this pandemic.
Through collaboration with fellow innovators, Emergent's CDMO business is providing development and manufacturing services for several clinical trial vaccine candidates. We have also partnered with BARDA and NIAID to develop plasma-derived therapies using our hyperimmune platform technology to treat patients with COVID-19.
Join us as we investigate the progress surrounding this new challenge and discuss how pharma and biotech companies are working together to speed development, making both vaccines and treatments available to those in need.